Despite a summer of heavy rains, especially around harvest time, our garlic did very well, and we have an abundance of large seed garlic for sale.
Garlic will be available at the farm by prior arrangement and at the Cambridge Valley Farmers Market Sundays from 10 - 1 (call in advance if you are looking for a large quantity). We also ship.
Check back for updates on quantities available.
For information on each variety, click here.
2023 Seed Garlic (Updated August 21)
Pskem River ($15/pound, $18/pound plus shipping cost by mail)
Music ($12/pound, $16/pound plus shipping costs by mail)
Persian Star ($12/pound, $16/pound plus shipping costs by mail)
Phillips ($12/pound, $16/pound plus shipping costs by mail)
Culinary and Seed Garlic - How to Buy
This year we have four varieties available for purchase. We harvest from early to late July and let cure until mid to late August. We make fresh garlic available immediately upon harvesting, but we don't recommend purchasing garlic for seed until September.
Our garlic is available at the farm (best to call in advance) and at the Cambridge Valley Farmers Market Sundays from 10 to 1. We also ship seed garlic anywhere in the United States. Click here for contact information.
The following link provides descriptions of the varieties we grow and planting instructions. However, we strongly suggest contacting us before choosing which variety to plant.