Birds of Long Days Farm
We share our land with many species of birds. Some just pass through, while many others settle in and make themselves at home. Some species pose challenges. Red-tailed Hawks, Coopers Hawks, Goshawks, and Great-horned Owls prey on our chickens. Cedar Waxwings and Catbirds enjoy our berries. And the non-native House Sparrows make a big mess and chase away native species. But most species enhance life on the farm.
Since I moved here in 1999, I have kept a list of species I have seen or heard on the farm. The birds themselves don't have to be on our property, but I have to be on the property when I observe them. The landscape is made up of the cultivated land, fields, shrubs along the edge of our fields, a pond surrounded by willows and cattails, a wooded swamp, and lawn and trees surrounding our house.
Below I have listed the species of birds I have seen and/or heard. An (R) indicates that they nest on our property or visit most years. I will update regularly.